Education Financing in the States of India has a strong claim on the share in Education Cess for implementation of NEP : Prof. M.M. Goel

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Kurukshetra, July 08 :  “Education Financing in the States of India has a strong claim on the share in education cess of 3 per cent on the amount of tax for implementation of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 ”, opined Professor M.M. Goel Founder of Needonomics School of Thought and experienced Vice-Chancellor in public and private universities of India. He was speaking on the topic “Needoeducation: Innovative Ideas for Implementation of NEP ” at the 3rd Edu Leaders Summit organised by Universal Mentors Association in Eros Hotel, Nehru Place, New Delhi. Mr Sandeep Gulati CEO of UMA delivered the welcome address and presented a citation on the achievements of Prof. M.M. Goel.

Needoeducation calls for needo-financing by 28 States of India as education is in the Concurrent List of the Seventh Schedule in the Constitution of India but sadly education cess is not part of the divisible pool of taxes which has to be shared for effective implementation of NEP, told Prof. Goel.

There is a strong case for bringing education cess and surcharge in the divisible pool for sharing with the States on the pattern of 15th Finance Commission recommendations, justified Needonomist Goel.

To solve the dichotomy between quality education and affordability & accessibility in Indian institutions, we require NAW (need, affordability and worth) approach of marketing the educational product along with communication skills necessary for employability and entrepreneurship.

We have to treat NEP 2020 as invention and work without worries on it as innovation which means application of invention by accepting the challenges of all kinds including converting careless into careful and useless into useful , believes Prof. Goel.

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